Believe it or not the clusters of the white mangrove remind me of a wedding bouquet! These trees are found in the drier regions of the mangrove and play a vital role in our ecosystem by preventing soil erosion and other damages. And guess what? They also make an excellent hedge in gardens and are a popular plant in horticulture!
The White Mangrove can grow up to 40 feet in height The beautiful white flowers grow throughout the year and produce an oblong-shaped fruit pod whose seed, when ripened, falls to the ground. Like most mangroves, the white mangrove has the ability to excrete salt from a node at the base of the stem, and produces a liquid that attracts ants and other insects.
Apart from being a natural marvel, the White Mangrove is also useful to humans in various ways. For instance, it has medicinal properties, and its wood is used to make furniture. Plus, it's a great addition to any garden or horticulture setup! So, don't forget to appreciate the beauty and significance of the White Mangroves the next time you come across them!